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Fundamental Electronics Courses for Beginners


This course will teach you the basics of electronic circuits. You will learn about the different types of components that are used in electronic circuits, and how to connect them together to create a working circuit. You will also learn about the different types of electrical signals that can be used to control electronic circuits.

In this course, we’ll learn the most important electrical engineering concepts. I will explain the fundamentals of electronics in a simple way.  This course is not highly technical and math based, therefore you will easily understand the topics and feel the progress in yourself throughout the course. We’ll learn by actually practicing and analyzing simple circuits. But what’s truly special and valuable in this course is that the lessons are carefully designed to target specific electronics concepts without getting into boring or complex details.

A basic electronics course for beginner would typically cover topics such as electronic components, circuit design, and electronic projects. The course might also cover topics such as digital electronics, microprocessors, and microcontrollers.

In order to have a profession and specialize in the field of Electricity and Electronics, first of all you need to learn the basics of this field. Nowadays, in the fields of automotive, machinery, mechatronics and computers, electrical and electronics are indispensable elements. This course is also designed to meet and contribute to this need.

Who this course is for:

  • beginner who want to learn basic electronics


  • No experience needed

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