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Facebook advertising ultimate guide for coaches, consultants and local business owners


Following are some of the things you will learn thru this master class :

  • How Facebook works and what do you need to do to create successful ads.
  • How to create stunning photos for your products for FREE
  • How to create a converting video that will catch the eyes of your prospects and make them hit that buy button and pull out their credit cards.
  • How to create an attractive thumbnail for your videos.
  • How to enhance your copywriting and write better ads text that will seduce Facebook users and make them read your ad carefully.
  • The things you need to be aware of to not get banned from FacebookWhat is a Facebook pixel and why it is important for your business and how to install it on your website.
  • Which conversion event to choose for your pixel.
  • The secret that nobody shows you elsewhere to succeed in Facebook ads.
  • How to choose your campaign objective, your daily budget and the devices you want the ad to show on.
  • How to choose well your target audience, and this will save you a lot of money, because you will not be paying money to Facebook to show your ad to people that are not interested.
  • How to do efficient retargeting campaigns with different layers and not just basic retargeting.
  • How to create an ad with thousands of likes and comments and shares.
  • How to read data, and which metrics you need to concentrate on.
  • How to know, when to kill and ad and when to scale it.
  • How to scale well your campaigns both vertically and horizontally.
  • How to use effectively lookalike audiences.

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