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E-Commerce Website in PHP & MySQL From Scratch!


Learn to create an E-Commerce Website from scratch in PHP & MySQL, building an online shopping store in PHP & MySQL had never been easier from scratch before this course. You are going to create your first online store using PHP and MySQL from start to end.

What is this e-commerce site all about? 

E-commerce is an online shopping store for selling/buying products, we’ll use simple PHP and MySQL queries to create this project, if you are really serious about creating an eCommerce website from absolutely 0 knowledge, then this course is for you.

What You Will Learn? 

  1. Setting a basic environment for creating an online store
  2. Creating the admin panel to update the site
  3. Adding products and displaying them on the website
  4. Ordering products and storing orders
  5. Displaying orders and details
  6. Integrating Paypal into the eCommerce site
  7. Finishing the eCommerce site

Content and Overview:

With over 8 hours of content and 40 lectures, this is a perfect course to learn creating a complete e-commerce website from absolutely scratch using PHP, MySQLi, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. If you are a beginner who really doesn’t know how to create a megaproject in PHP then this course will help you a lot. It can also help you in creating your final year project for your university or college. This course is designed for absolute beginners, but meanwhile, you should have a basic understanding of PHP & HTML. The source code of this course is attached to the last lecture, and you can download that to use in your own projects.

Who this course is for:

  • Those who are strugglyingg to create a simple eCommerce site with PHP & MySQL
  • Students who want to create a practical project using PHP & MySQL from scratch


  • Basics of PHP will be a plus

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