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Continuous Compliance, Encryption, and Security on AWS (The DevSecOps Series on AWS)


In this course, you learn how to use AWS services that provide the capability to define encryption and compliance as code. These services include AWS Key Management Service, AWS CloudFormation, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS Config and Config Rules, Amazon CloudWatch Event Rules, and AWS Lambda. You learn how to use a combination of these services and tools to encrypt, prevent, detect, and remediate noncompliant resources within your software systems. Throughout the course, you will see working examples of how to automate the encryption of these services and how they can be included as part of a deployment pipeline using AWS CloudFormation and AWS CodePipeline.

Skill LevelIntermediate to Advanced

Learn How To* Use AWS CloudFormation to provision AWS resources as code.* Use AWS CodePipeline to model continuous delivery workflows.* Create, disable, and delete symmetric keys using the AWS Key Management Service (KMS).* Automate the management of KMS keys using AWS CloudFormation.* Perform client-side encryption using the AWS Encryption SDK.* Create and automatically rotate encrypted username and password secrets for Amazon RDS using the AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Lambda.* Automate the provisioning of a deployment pipeline that deploys SSL/TLS AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) digital certificates using AWS CloudFormation and AWS CodePipeline.* Automate the provisioning of encryption when creating EBS, DynamoDB, RDS, and S3 resources using AWS CloudFormation.* Automate the provisioning of a deployment pipeline that deploys AWS Config Rules to detect unencrypted AWS resources using AWS CloudFormation and AWS CodePipeline.* Automatically provision a CloudTrail trail in CloudFormation and search the JSON files generated by CloudTrail using Amazon Athena.* Automate the provisioning of a deployment pipeline that deploys a solution capable of preventing, detecting, and remediating unencrypted resources using AWS CloudFormation and AWS CodePipeline.

Who Should Take This Course

  • Software developers and security and compliance professionals who want to integrate encryption into every facet of the software development and delivery process.* Professionals with a working knowledge of AWS and programming knowledge who want to make encryption ubiquitous across their systems. 

Course Requirements

  • Working knowledge of AWS (that is, at least one to two years working with AWS) is required.* Practical experience with a high-level programming experience, such as Python, Java, and Node.js, is helpful but not necessary.

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