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Tom Cormier – Virtual Assistant Mastery for Ecom


In this VA Mastery course for real estate investors you will learn everything you need to know and more on how to build a team, systematize, and pump your business full of hot leads at an extremely low cost utilizing Virtual Assistant’s

FREE PERSONAL MENTORING CALL: The next group of people to take action and join the VA Mastery course will have the opportunity to be mentored personally by me on how to implement these proven strategies in their business and achieve maximum ROI.

I will go over

  • My “Dream Team” employee structure to scale up the business
  • Using KPI’s to predict revenue and hit your goals
  • My “Core 4” Marketing Process
  • How to hire and train an acquisitions manager, dispositions manager, and more
  • How to stay compliant with the Do-Not-Call list
  • Our high converting seller script
  • Who to hire and where to find them
  • How to avoid high turnover with your calling agents
  • How to train new callers in less than a few hours
  • How to cut cold calling lead costs down by 50%
  • What to pay your calling agents
  • Setting income goals to determine how many calling agents to call
  • Target numbers for your agents to hit on a weekly basis


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