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Excel Tips and Tricks 2021

Tired of repeating tasks in Excel that take hours? I was too, so early on when I started working in Excel (over 20yrs ago!) I began searching for ways to automate things or even do things simpler so they took fewer steps.

In this quick course, I want to share with you the latest round of tips and tricks that I’ve found to save me time in Excel. This course is loaded with tips and tricks all geared at doing just that, saving you a few clicks each day that add up to hundreds of hours across a year. There really is no better investment if you ask me, not just for your time but also for your sanity!

Specifically, you’ll learn:

– How to remove duplicates

– Finding the Max Length of Values in a Column

– Create metadata for importing to other programs (like Salesforce)

– Automatically Bring External Data from a Website

– Automating Tasks with Macros

– Analyzing Data with Pivot Tables

– Trapping Errors in Formulas

– Finding Values Above Threshold

– Categorizing Values with Formulas

Each one of these lessons is short and to the point. Our goal at FTD Academy is to be your toolkit that you can always refer back to when working in Data.

Who this course is for:

  • Excel users looking to save time
  • Business people looking for tips in Excel


  • Installed Excel on Windows or Mac

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