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Digital Making With Raspberry Pi, Python/Linux Skills for Pi


In this course, we will continue building up skills required to control the Raspberry Pi board both as a stand alone computer and a physical world controller.  Students will start learning fundamental of Linux that is required for this course. A short list of commands that are used on regular bases to command the system will be presented.
In the second part of the course the students will learn essential python commands for microcontroller programming through hands on programming. The students will learn how to manage the program log and how to autostart a task at the boot of Raspberry Pi. In the third part of project students will design a smart motion sensor home outlet using PIR sensor, Relays and Raspberry Pi Board.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone interested in designing software and hardware including hobbyist, artists, makers can benefit from these series. Young adult and adolescent can start the first steps toward great career in computer engineering or computer science by learning fundamental of computing and hardware design through Raspberry Pi Board.


  • Complimentary Raspberry Pi Setup Course by Involinx Inc

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