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React 2025 – Modern Applications with the Jamstack


“Building modern web apps is too difficult.”
Have you tried to launch a project only to get stuck trying to do it “the right way”? I’ve been there. I’d waste time dealing with complex tech instead of shipping products. Then, I started building apps like it’s 2025.

Spend less time doing the things you hate.

  • Provisioning Servers
  • What is Kubernetes?
  • Dealing with Webpack
  • Cross-browser issues
  • And more time doing the things you love.
  • Building your product
  • Deploying with ease
  • Making your customers happy
  • Working with modern tools

Transform front-end to full-stack.
Are you frustrated with how long it takes to go from idea to production? As a front-end developer, I wanted to bring my ideas to life. Not just the front-end, but the full stack.

Then, I discovered the Jamstack and the optimal workflow for front-end developers.

  • Build dynamic applications that become static.
  • Push code to a repository with Git.
  • Deploy instantly to a global CDN.

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