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Node JS Cluster with PM2, RabbitMQ, Redis and Nginx


As we all know, Node JS is single threaded event-driven JavaScript runtime. When we run any CPU intensive operation, Node will not be able to take an advantage of all the cores of our machine. This is where we will use Node JS cluster to run Node JS in multiple cores. In this course you will see –

  1. Why Node JS cluster is important?
  2. How to create Node JS cluster application?
  3. Using PM2 to run Node JS application
  4. Communication between Master process and Child Process
  5. Communication between Master process and Child Process using PM2 and RabbitMQ
  6. Working with Redis cache
  7. Using Nginx as a reverse proxy and load balancer

At the end of this course, you will be ready to use Node JS cluster with PM2, RabbitMQ, Redis and Nginx.

Who this course is for:

  • The students/developers who have intermediate knowledge of Node JS and Express JS framework


  • Good knowledge of Node JS and Express JS framework
  • Basic knowledge of ECMA Script 2015/ES6

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