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JavaScript and ES6 Challenges – Do you know JavaScript?


In this course you will get JavaScript challenges that you will need to solve.

Each challenge consists of the task and solution. In some cases you will be asked to fix existing code, in some cases you will need to write some additional code. I will explain each line of the solution and you will deeply understand what happens behind the scenes.

Topics of the challenges are following:

– Destructuring

– Array helper methods

– Variables hoisting

– Let, Var and Const

– Rest and Spread Operators

– Ternary Operator

– Default parameters

– Closures

– IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expressions)

– Classes

At the beginning of the course you will get source files for all challenges. They include start and finish states for each challenge.

You need to begin with “start” folder for each challenge.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner and mid-level JavaScript software developers


  • Basic JavaScript knowledge
  • Mac or PC with any text editor, preferably Atom

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